I’m Sam, the mini human behind Organically You! I currently work in Music events residing in Sydney. My wellness journey started around seven years ago when I developed adult acne. When I had no luck with westernised medicine I turned to healing myself naturally. I shifted my attention and approach to complementary medicine and I enrolled in a bachelor of health science in naturopathy. I invested in the help of practitioners to provide me with proper nutrition and herbal medicine. I completely switched my beauty arsenal to organic, clean and ALL NATURAL.
During this process, I became super passionate about spreading the message on the benefits of living a more balanced lifestyle. I saw the positive effects it had on my health and from there I decided to create Organically You - My online space where I help other people with my experiences and knowledge around low-tox alternatives, clean beauty products, plant medicine and wellness. Overtime, I fell in love with therapeutic essential oils and plant extracts and found myself creating my own blends and formulations. I started gifting them to family and friends, until eventually, releasing to the public. I love the benefits of aromatherapy oils, they are gentle but ohhh BOY do they pack a punch. Once you experience essential oils there is no turning back!!
Sam xx